
May 2023 The paper “Millimeter Wave V2V Beam Tracking using Radar: Algorithms and Real-World Demonstration” has been accepted to EUSIPCO 2023.


Apr. 2023 Ph.D. student Shuaifeng Jiang has won the Meta PhD Research Fellowship for AR/VR Wireless Ph.D. student Hao Luo has been selected to the finalists for the Meta PhD Research Fellowship for AR/VR Wireless


Apr. 2023 Ph.D. students João Morais and Tawfik Osman have been selected to the finalists for the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Ph.D. students Shuaifeng Jiang and Hao Luo have been selected to the finalists for the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship


Apr. 2023 The paper “DeepSense 6G: A Large-Scale Real-World Multi-Modal Sensing and Communication Dataset” has been accepted to IEEE Communications Magazine.


Mar. 2023 Five papers have been accepted to the IEEE ICC Workshops 2023. Millimeter Wave Drones with Cameras: Computer Vision Aided Wireless Beam Prediction Sensing Aided OTFS Channel Estimation for Massive MIMO Systems Digital Twin Based Beam Prediction: Can we Train in the Digital World and Deploy in Reality? A Digital Twin Assisted Framework for […]


Feb. 2023 The paper “Environment Semantic Aided Communication: A Real World Demonstration for Beam Prediction” is available on arXiv.


Feb. 2023 Ph.D. students Umut Demirhan and João Morais are named as The IEEE Transactions on Communications Exemplary Reviewers, an honor for their TCOM review contributions in 2022.


Feb. 2023 Abhradeep Roy joined the Wireless Intelligence Lab at ASU as an M.S. student.


Jan. 2023 Abdelrahman Taha successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and joined Qualcomm R&D San Diego. Congratulations!


Jan. 2023 Three papers have been accepted to the IEEE ICC 2023. Position Aided Beam Prediction in the Real World: How Useful GPS Locations Actually Are? Camera Aided Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Computer Vision Based Fast Beam Selection Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Wireless Sensing for Scene Depth Estimation