
Apr. 2022 The paper “LiDAR-Aided Mobile Blockage Prediction in Real-World Millimeter Wave Systems” is presented in IEEE WCNC.


Apr. 2022 The paper “Vision-Position Multi-Modal Beam Prediction Using Real Millimeter Wave Datasets” is presented in IEEE WCNC.


Mar. 2022 Ph.D. student Yu Zhang is named as one of The IEEE Transactions on Communications Exemplary Reviewers, an honor for his TCOMM review contributions in 2021.


Mar. 2022 The journal “Blockage Prediction Using Wireless Signatures: Deep Learning Enables Real-World Demonstration” is published in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.


Mar. 2022 The journal “Design and Evaluation of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Real-World Environment” is published in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society.


Jan. 2022 The journal “Enabling Large Intelligent Surfaces With Compressive Sensing and Deep Learning” is among the IEEE Access Editors’ Top 5 Article Selections for 2021.


Nov. 2021 The journal “Reinforcement Learning of Beam Codebooks in Millimeter Wave and Terahertz MIMO Systems” is accepted in IEEE Transactions on Communications.


Oct. 2021 The paper “Learning Reflection Beamforming Codebooks for Arbitrary RIS and Non-Stationary Channels” is submitted, available on arXiv.


Jul. 2021 The journal “Vision-Aided 6G Wireless Communications: Blockage Prediction and Proactive Handoff” is accepted in IEEE TVT.